The ant feeds ferociously on sweets, grease, and food matter. Some species can strip all of a tree’s leaves in just one night. Over twenty species invade homes. They usually nest in the ground, but create pathways through foundations, wall openings, and cracks to plunder kitchen and food storage areas.
Carpenter Ants (Sugar ants)
These ants are found in most areas of Australia. There are several species varying in colour and size. They are mostly found in decayed wood which they excavate cleanly and in this way the damage differs from that of termites.
Distinguishing characteristics
Large ants vary in size from 5 to 15mm in length. They are usually brown, but some are almost black. Mostly nocturnal being found in kitchens and eating facilities at night and move very quickly.
Bees are most active during the warmer months of the year, from early Spring to late Summer. They invade houses in order to establish new colonies. Bees will fly around a building, looking for entry points. Usually these are holes in the mortar of brick walls, in ventilation holes (weep holes) and under tiles on roofs etc.
Bird lice are a small (approx. 1mm) mite, greyish in colour. They usually enter homes when sparrows, starlings, noisy miners or pigeons have entered roof void areas to nest. Bird lice track from the nest to the living areas of the home looking for further hosts. Bird lice bites cause sever annoyance from itchiness.
The carpet beetle thrives on various materials such as fur, woolens, leather, hair, and other organic matter. It lays eggs in 100% wool carpets, and in garments stored in closets and attics, where larvae can feed on materials for up to one year.
Crickets are annoying when found in wall voids, roof voids or sub floor areas of your home. Their chirping sounds used to attract mates can be quite distracting and annoying. The most common home invading cricket is the Brown Field cricket.
The cockroach eats food of any kind, and destroys fabrics, clothes, books, and rugs. It’s found in pantries, closets, basements, and any other dark, moist area with easy access to food. The cockroach usually comes out at night.
American cockroach
This cockroach is mostly found in moist coastal areas, particularly in Queensland. It is very abundant in the sewer systems of towns and cities. This species occurs in restaurants, hospitals, bakeries and in most places where food is prepared and eating facilities exist.
Distinguishing characteristics
A large cockroach reaching 35 to 40mm in length. It is reddish brown in colour with the upper part of the thorax having a paler yellow border. The male is distinct from the female by having its wings extending beyond the tip of the abdomen. The female produces large egg capsules.
Australian cockroach
This species is mostly encountered outside, but does enter indoors. Found in greenhouses and under organic matter in gardens. When found in houses it is usually in the subfloor and wall voids. It is nocturnal and favours tropical and subtropical climates.
Distinguishing characteristics
A large cockroach about 35mm long, similar to the American cockroach but the body is a slightly darker brown and it has pale areas on the foremargins of the forewings. The yellow marking on the upper part of the thorax are also more clearly defined than those of the American cockroach.
Brownbanded cockroach
This cockroach occurs mainly in the coastal areas of Australia and is usually found indoors in offices, storerooms and hospitals, but unlike the German cockroach it does not build up large populations in and near kitchens. Found behind and inside furniture.
Distinguishing characteristics
A relatively small cockroach about 12 to 15mm long. The adults are pale brown in colour with very pale bands across the thorax and abdomen. The female has a broader abdomen than the male and its wings do not extend to the end of the abdomen as they do in the male.
German cockroach
The most widespread pest cockroach present in Australia. It is a rapid breeder, nocturnal and favours situations in kitchens where there is warmth, moisture and food. Often found in or near the motor assembly of refrigerators and under stoves and hot water systems.
Distinguishing characteristics
The adult cockroach is amber in colour, about 12 to 15mm long and is readily identified by 2 dark longitudinal strips on the upper visible part of the thorax. Although both male and female are winged and their wings extend over the tip of the abdomen neither sex flies. The female produces egg capsules.
Smokeybrown cockroach
An often encountered pest in the coastal areas of Australia, particularly along the east coast. They are nocturnal and prefer foods of vegetable origin. Usually breed in gardens where organic materials are used and enter indoors from these sites.
Distinguishing characteristics
A large cockroach about 30mm in length, uniform dark brown to almost black and both sexes are fully winged and capable of flight. Produces large egg capsules.
This is the most often encountered flea species in most areas of Australia. It not only attacks cats, but many other warm blooded animals such as dogs and humans. They suck blood, and cause irritation. It also has an essential role in the transmission of dog tapeworm.
Distinguishing characteristics
Small insect about 1.5 to 3.0mm long, brown in colour and laterally flattened so that they pass easily through the dense hairs of animals. They have piercing and sucking mouthparts used for sucking blood from their hosts. They have strongly developed hindlegs for jumping and a claw on their legs for attachment to their hosts.
The flea carries disease and causes itching from biting both animals and people. It feeds on the blood of dogs and cats, and uses animal eye fluids to quench its thirst. It can be found on animals, and in rugs, beds, and the fabric of furniture.
The housefly carries bacteria from decaying matter and feces. Its larvae (commonly called maggots) live off of dead animals, garbage, and decaying matter. Flies frequent garbage cans, animal droppings, animal habitats, manure, and land fills. They will gravitate toward foods in the kitchen, baby bottles, diapers, and human hair and skin.
Persons trapping possums must hold a current license provided by the National Parks and Wildlife Service. Belmont Pest Control holds such a license. We will set traps causing no physical damage to the possum. Once caught the possum must be set free after sunset in the vicinity of where it was trapped. After trapping the possum, blocking out possum entry to the building is essential. Belmont Pest Control can provide all your possum control requirements.
Silverfish like to eat starch in wallpaper and book bindings, and also starch found in laundered clothing. They live in walls that are wallpapered, dens and libraries, closets, and storage areas.
These are often encountered pests in homes and buildings throughout Australia. They occur anywhere in homes, but are mostly found in roof cavities, wall voids and subfloor areas. They prefer starchy materials, cotton, linens and photographic prints.
Distinguishing characteristics
Silverfish are wingless and flattened and their bodies taper towards the rear and are covered with fine scales, hence the name. They have 3 long, feeler-like appendages from the head of the abdomen. Their antennae are long and slender.
Sydney funnelweb spider – male
An often encountered toxic spider in the Sydney region, particularly in the North Shore. The male is more toxic than the female and often enters houses during the mating season from December to March. Both sexes may enter houses after heavy rain or landscaping.
Distinguishing characteristics
This spider is about 25mm long, has a dark brown to black head/thorax region and is hairy. The spinnerets at the end of the abdomen have their terminal segment longest. There is an obvious spur on each of the second front pair of legs and has obvious swelling on the ends of their palps.
Sydney funnelweb spider – female
The female Sydney funnelweb spider makes web lined funnels in the ground usually in rockeries and deep surface mulches. She is a toxic spider, but not considered to be as toxic as the male. Both male and female are nocturnal.
Distinguishing characteristics
The female is similar in size to the male, about 25mm in length and of similar colour and spinneret characteristics, that is, the terminal segment is longest. Her body is more robust than that of the male and she has no spur on the second front pair of legs. Her palps are not swollen.
Black house spider
This spider is one of the most often encountered around houses and buildings. It makes its webs around windows and under eaves and in bark tissues of trees. The entrance tunnel is usually in the center of the web. The bite can be painful, but there have been no fatalities.
Distinguishing characteristics
The female black house spider is about 12mm long and brown to dark grey to black in colour. The legs are mostly banded dark and pale. She has a small head and large abdomen.
Mouse spider
Distributed throughout Australia with the female in particular often confused with the funnel web spider. The males wander particularly at night and the females build nesting burrows which may have a door or lid. A very strong and robust spider, its bite may be painful and will cause localized swelling.
Distinguishing characteristics
The spiders are black in colour with reddish coloured hairs (one species has a male with a red cephalothorax). The front section of the cephalothorax is enlarged and raised up high. The fang bases are enlarged. Sizes 20 -25 mm.
Redback spider – female
An often encountered spider in many areas of Australia. It makes loose webs of no particular design in stacked woods and rubbish. Also found in outside toilets where its webs may be made under the seats. A very toxic spider. Fatalities have occurred, but there is now an antivenene.
Distinguishing characteristics
The female redback spider is about 10mm in length. It has a black, velvel-like body with a red or orange stripe on the upper surface of the abdomen. Sometimes there is a patch of red beneath the abdomen.
Sydney brown trapdoor spider – female
This spider makes holes in the ground mostly in dryer areas than those favoured by the Sydney funnelweb spider. Holes in the ground are often in open situations. While it will bite if provoked no fatalities have been recorded.
Distinguishing characteristics
The female Sydney brown trapdoor spider is dark brown and the head/thorax region is hairy, but not shiny thus differing from that of the Sydney funnelweb spider. The spinnerets are small and the terminal segment is the shortest. The palps of the female have no terminal enlargement as seen in the male Sydney brown trapdoor spider.
Whitetailed spider
A spider found throughout Australia and common in the urban environment. Males will wander at night. Females will commonly form nests under tree bark and around environments simulating these conditions. They are often found inside houses, particularly in bathrooms, kitchens and laundries. The bite is painful often causing localized swelling. Cases of ulceration have been recorded.
Distinguishing characteristics
The body is long are cigar shaped and grey in colour with a white spot on top of the abdomen. Females are 12 -15 mm. Males are 5 – 8 mm.
The rat is a true survivor that can carry rabies or other infectious bacteria. At one time, the rat carried fleas which caused the bubonic plague. The rat is very vicious, and will attack if hungry or cornered. It lives and breeds in attics, basements, and roofing. It has a constant ravenous appetite and will eat both human and pet food.
Termites consume massive amounts of wood in your home, usually in a way that isn’t immediately noticed by the homeowner. Termites are more destructive than fire. Periodic inspections are necessary to prevent this pest from destroying your house. Various species can live in ground, cracks in cement, foundations, walls, floors, attics, and even the wood structures of sofas and beds.
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